viernes, 28 de febrero de 2020

Postermap of The British Isles

3º Bilingüe.      PROJECT  for A TERM 


Objective:  To learn about The British Isles and  to communicate and share tasks to get a final objective (collaborative work).  To practice fluency in a short oral presentation.
Students will work in GROUPS to prepare a  poster map of the British Isles.
They should name a leader to organise the task, a secretary to write down all the information,  the role and work  of each student in the Project, etc.

The map  will show the following:
1.- The different  countries in The British Isles (Great Britain, , The British Isles and the United Kingdom ).
2.- Information about the countries in the British Isles:  flag and national symbol , capital city, most important river…
3.- The highest mountain in the UK
4.-The longest river in the UK and the  longest river in in the British Isles.
5.- The largest city in the UK , and the largest city in Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland.
6.- Source Citation: a  list of sources where the information and pictures were obtained. 
You can use any kind of material for your poster.
Students will take two lessons  to do their task  at high school  (8th and 15th October 2019)

Each student must present the Poster in front of the class avoiding reading . The student should use the map just as a tool during the presentation.
The presentation should be a 1 minute talk for every student in the group.

For help, see:  - Information on this topic provided by your teacher and your own search on the Internet.


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